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Weather in Lexington, Kentucky (eastern), United States

Current Conditions in Lexington

Scattered clouds. Warm.
85°F / 29°C
Wind:    Northwest at 5 mph / 7 km/h
Humidity:    53%
Pressure:    30 inches / 1016 mb
Sunrise:    7:22AM
Sunset:    7:40PM
Conditions updated at Wed, 18 Sep 2024 18:42:07 EDT

Today's forecast

Isolated tstorms. Overcast. Mild.
Isolated tstorms. Overcast. Mild.
Hi: 77°F / 25°C
Lo: 68°F / 20°C

Tomorrow's forecast

Cloudy. Warm.
Cloudy. Warm.
Hi: 87°F / 31°C
Lo: 64°F / 18°C

Other weather locations in Kentucky (eastern)

Jackson   Louisville  

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